1 accessoar- 4 stilar


Förresten! Ni har väl inte missat min senaste artikel för fashioncorner? Ni hittar den HÄR. Denna vecka guidar jag er genom hur man använder scarfen i fyra olika stilar: Retro, country, bohem och rock. Vilken look gillar ni bäst?


By the way! You can find my latest article for fashioncorner HERE. This week I’m guiding you through how to use a scarf in four different styles: Retro, country, bohemian and rock. Which look do you like best?

11 responses to “1 accessoar- 4 stilar

  1. felnys says:

    Bohem var superfint, älskar toppen, vart kommer den ifrån?

  2. Maria says:

    Uh this is awesome! love all the different styles you did ^_^
    Maria xx

  3. Lisa says:


  4. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till FelNys:
    Tack! Den koftan har min mormor stickat och virkat:)

  5. Niki says:

    Cool! I really like the retro and the rock looks 🙂

  6. Mayflowers says:

    Bohemian and rock!

  7. Lila says:

    Love these looks, especially retro and rock. 🙂 May I ask where the pink scarf is from?

  8. Hanne says:

    I like the rock and the boho, but strangely enough, I really started disliking those bangs on you. Are you still planning on cutting them for real?

  9. Carola says:

    wow! amazing inspirations!


  10. linn123 says:

    åh, så vacker du är! älskar dina bilder :):)

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