Check out more pics from Four Seasons Sayan hotel HERE

Några shots från imorse då jetlagen lurade upp mig 5 på morgonen och därmed gav mig 1 extra timme att filosofera på balkongen till den privata lilla villan jag bor i innan dagens första aktivitet: Eclipse-yoga. Efter det spenderade jag dagen med att upptäcka hotellområdet (som för övrigt är så stort att man måste ta golfbil från ena sidan till den andra), plåta på en av villornas rooftops, simma topless i min egna infinity-pool (bästa med privatpool), hänga med agenturen och de andra influencer-tjejerna och äta kilovis med roliga lokala frukter.
Även om blogglivet för med sig helt orimliga upplevelser där man från och till befinner sig på bisarrt lyrriga platser som denna kommer jag nog aldrig riktigt kunna känna att det är helt naturligt för mig att leva så, känner det alltid som att jag är praktikant eller på studiebesök, typ. Men alltså åh vilken tacksam “praktikant” jag är på den här resan, det kändes som att den kom precis i rätt tid för mig. Fler bilder kommer, tills vidare kan ni se till att hänga med mig på resan via IG!

Some shots from this morning when my jetlag forced me to wake up 5 in the morning and thus gave me one extra hour to philosophize on the balcony to the private little villa I live in before the first activity of the day: Eclipse yoga. After that, I spent the day with discovering the hotel’s area (which, incidentally, is so large that you have to take the golf cart from one side to the other), shooting on one of The villa’s rooftops, swimming topless in my own infinity pool (that’s the best thing about having a private pool), hung with the agency and the other influencers and eating kilos of funny local fruits.

Although the blog life brings totally unreasonable experiences where you now and then get to discover bizarrely fancy places like this, I’ll probably never really be able to feel that it is natural for me to live like that. I always feel like I’m an intern on a study visit or something. Anyhow, this trip really came to me on the right time and I’m super thankful for this little getaway. More pics to come, and don’t forget to follow my IG for more photos!

3 responses to “BALI SUNRISE

  1. Isabell says:

    Bali is magic! Enjoy your time there! Do you think you will have some time to explore the island a bit? There is so much stuff to do. What I really can recommend you to do, when you haven’t so much time. You can go to a traditional healer. Those wise man are just incredible. They see you and immediatly know, what exactly is missing in your life, healthwise or in general. I’ve been to one named chocorda and what I experienced was just nuts 😀 but so impressive. he said things to me, that only someone who really knows me could know.
    You are staying near Kuta right? Then the waterbom, asias largest waterpark, is not far from you! If you freaking love these kind of things, like me, you should definitely go! And probably the best spot to meet some people (who are neither chinese nor russian, and don’t carry a selfie stick) is Canggu. This is where all the Expats live, many bloggers as well.

    Last tip: if you happen to go to Ubud, every monday evening they perform a traditional Kecak dance in one of the surrounding villages. This is really a magical experience!

    So have fun in bali, wearing a frangipani behind your ear, smiling and drinking coconuts.

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you so much for your tips Isabell! I’ll definitely look them up, especially the dance and wise men! Sounds super cool!

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