
Dags att snacka lite hår! Jag har ju redan väldigt tjockt hår, men på Bali fick jag testa Bumble&Bumbles thickening-serie och sedan har jag fortsatt använda deras schampo och balsam. Det ger liksom en extra boost. Brukar inte känna av några större effekter av schampo och balsam, men dessa märks faktiskt.

Time to talk about hair! I already have very thick hair, but during the Bali trip I tried Bumble & Bumble’s thickening series and since then I’ve continued to use their shampoo and conditioner. it just gives it an extra boost. Usually I never notice any major effects from shampoo and conditioner, but these are noticeable indeed.



När jag kommer ut ur duschen och håret fortfarande är blött gillar jag att ta några sprut av deras thickening spray också bara för att få ytterligare struktur. Funkar svinbra om man bara vill ha en avslappnad ofixad look, och inte lägga så mycket tid på perfekta lockar eller strama uppsättningar, håret blir lätthanterligt “busigt”. Har nästan uteslutande använt mig av oljor och sprayer, men sedan jag klippte av håret har jag experimenterat lite med andra slags produkter, och dessa faller mig verkligen i smaken. Tips alltså!

When I come out of the shower and the hair still wet, I like to use some thickening spray too just to get more structure. Works soo good if you just want a casual look, and not spend so much time on perfect curls or tight ponytails, the hair becomes manageable and messy. I’ve almost just used oils and sprays for my hair my entire life, but since I cut off the lengths I’ve experimented a bit with other kinds of products, and these are really one of my favorites so far.



This post is a collaboration with Bumble & Bumble


  1. ISA says:

    Du får en att vilja bli såå sugen på en page! snygging!!

  2. Eugen says:

    You’re adorable

  3. anon says:

    to be completely honest, i really miss your old content. i especially loved the pictures of your life in sweden; i felt so connected to the country for some reason and now that i’m currently actually in stockholm for a holiday i feel as if i’ve always known this city, which is such a weird but cool feeling! i’m a little disappointed that most of your posts nowadays are sponsored. but, i wish you all the best 🙂

    1. ebba says:

      Hi Anon! Thank you for your opinion! I’m sorry about not being able to give you content about Sweden that often anymore. About the sponsored thing though, I have to let you know that I had a just as big part sponsored posts before but I wasn’t enough educated about the advertising guidelines so I didn’t know that I had to write that in every post. Nowadays I think marking every sponsored post is very important because I want to be totally honest with you! I still pick my collaboration partners very carefully though 🙂 xx

  4. Caro says:

    Dear Ebba,
    I have to agree with Anon. I’ve been following you for several years now and during the last months, I got the feeling that nearly all of your posts are sponsored. I know, this is how you make money and stuff, but I know some bloggers who manage to get a nice balance between sponsored and private posts. I am NOT commenting this in order to annoy you, but maybe as a little warning sign – because for me, reading your blog is not as much fun as it was 3 years ago. I also read your answer comment and I know that you pick your partners carefully, but: It’s still advertisment.
    You are a great and beautiful girl and I am convinced that you’ve got something more to tell us than just your favorite hair routine.

    1. Anon says:

      I’ve been reading this blog for a crazy long time as you have and I can say that, four years ago, she inspired me to start eating vegetarian 😛 I’m still veggo!! The personal side of the blog as you mentioned was really interesting, thought provoking and even powerful 🙂
      – anon from above

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