a message to my readers

Mina fina bloggisar. Blev E-VEN-TU-ELLT jÀtteblödig nÀr jag skrev detta inlÀgg, men here we go:
Denna plats pÄ www Àr hela grunden till vad som blivit min lilla business. Fröet som började vÀxa nÀr jag fortfarande bokstavligt talat var ett BARN. TÀnker ofta pÄ vad tusan det skulle blivit av mig om jag inte skapat min första blogg pÄ blogg.se 2008, om ni inte blivit ett gÀng som fortsatte kika in.
Och vad KUL det har varit att se hur denna bransch har utvecklats (och fortsĂ€tter utvecklas)! Alla vi som befattat oss med “sociala medier” de senaste tio Ă„ren har liksom varit med och skapat branschen samtidigt som vi sjĂ€lva formats av den, och Ă€ven om fokus flyttats till andra kanaler kommer bloggen alltid vara nĂ€rmast lillhjĂ€rtat mitt. 

De som kĂ€nner mig vet att jag Ă€r svĂ„r att komma inpĂ„ skinnet, det tar lĂ„ng tid för mig att kunna slappna av med mĂ€nniskor. DĂ€rför vĂ€rdesĂ€tter jag de nĂ€ra relationer jag har fett högt. Samma sak gĂ€ller för min relation till er, fĂ„ vĂ€nner har hĂ€ngt med sĂ„ lĂ€nge som ni har. Ni som peppat och inspirerat mig genom utanförskap i skolan (nĂ„got som var sĂ„ sĂ„ viktigt för min tillvaro dĂ„?? Är pĂ„ riktigt för evigt tacksam för det sjĂ€lvförtroendet), till att flytta hemifrĂ„n, mina första egna jobbuppdrag utomlands, starta företag, att flytta till Berlin, frĂ„n Berlin och tillbaka igen, nĂ€r hjĂ€rtat gick sönder och nĂ€r jag hittade min soulmate. Även om ett helt gĂ€ng lĂ€sare fallit bort med Ă„ren och kommentarna blivit mycket glesare vĂ€rmer ni fortfarande mig med er nĂ€rvaro i statistiken. Kan tĂ€nka mig att era liv ser helt annorlunda ut nu Ă€n nĂ€r ni första gĂ„ngen hittade hit.

Till poÀngen: med detta inlÀgg vill jag bara att ni ska förstÄ att jag, just för att jag vÀrdesÀtter relationen till er, nu tÀnker ta en liten bloggpaus (min allra första!). Jag har helt enkelt sÄ mycket att göra och tÀnka pÄ just nu med plugg, jobb och hÀndelser i privatlivet att jag aldrig kÀnner att jag hinner skapa det innehÄll jag vill kunna bjuda er pÄ, och det kÀnns liksom ovÀrdigt för bÄde er och mig. Jag gÄr runt med massor av Àmnen att diskutera med er och upplevelser att berÀtta om, men har sÀllan möjlighet att fÄ utlopp för det. Mitt innehÄll blir antingen lite krystat eller intetsÀgande. Efter den hÀr pausen vill jag komma tillbaka med massor av genomtÀnkta idéer och inspiration att dela med mig av!!

Okej. Detta Àr lite jobbigt för mig, men nu drar jag av plÄstret: vi ses hÀr senare i vÄr!!
Följ mig pĂ„ bloglovin och instagram (om du inte redan gör det), sĂ„ mĂ€rker ni nĂ€r jag Ă„tervĂ€nder. Ni fĂ„r SÅKLART fortfarande skicka era gölliga mail med frĂ„gor och tankar till ebbazingmarkblog@gmail.com. PUSS och kram vi hörs snart igen!!! Ni Ă€r bĂ€st.

Dear blog readers. Writing this post made me really emotional, but here we go:
This place on the world wide web is the whole foundation of what has become my little business. The seed that began to grow when I was still literally a CHILD. I often think about what would have become of me if I wouldn’t have created my first blog on blogg.se in 2008, if you guys hadn’t found this site, and continued to visit it.
It really has been such a fun journey to see how the “social media” business has developed! Everyone who has been an online creative the past ten years have also been creating the industry while at the same time being shaped by it, and even though the focus has shifted a bit to other channels, this blog will always be closest to my heart.

People who knows me IRL also knows that I’m a bit difficult to really get close to. It takes a lot of time and work to make me completely comfortable with other people. Therefore, I value the close relationships I have very highly. Same thing applies to my relationship with you – few of my friends have actually been keeping up with my life as long as you have.
You guys supported and cheered me on through the times of feeling alone in school (something that was so so very important for me back then!! I’m really forever grateful for the much needed confidence boost that gave me), to move from home, my first own job assignments abroad, starting my business, moving to Berlin, from Berlin and back again, being heartbroken and finding my soulmate. Even if a whole bunch of readers have dropped off throughout the years and the comments are less frequent nowadays, you still warm me with your presence in the stats. I can imagine that your life looks completely different now than when you first found this site.

To the point: With this post, I want you to understand that I, simply because I value the relationship to you, now have to take a break from blogging (my very first!). I simply have so much to do and think about right now with studies, work and private life that I never have the possibility create the content I want to give you, and that’s not fair for either you or me. I walk around with lots of topics to discuss with you and experiences tell you about bubbling in my head, but rarely have the opportunity to let it out. Instead, my content ends up being bland. After this break I want to come back with lots of thought-through ideas and inspiration!!

Okay. This is a bit difficult for me, so let’s make it quick: see u later this spring! Follow me on bloglovin and instagram (if you’re not already doing that), I’ll make sure to announce when I’m back. And you can of course still send your sweet e-mails with questions and thoughts to ebbazingmarkblog@gmail.com. Hugs n kisses!! You are the best.

19 responses to “a message to my readers

  1. Lise says:

    I usually reads your posts on sunday afternoon. I’ll miss them. I have been following you for a veeeery long time. See you soon then 😉

  2. Sarah says:

    Jag som vĂ€ntat/lĂ€ngtat sĂ„Ă„Ă„ efter kimchi receptet! 🙁 FĂ„r bli kimchi lite lĂ€ngre fram istĂ€llet! <3

  3. Veronik says:

    I wish you luck and hope you will find what you need during the break! Real life is out there and blogging takes time. I remember started reading you back in 2009 and all the photoes from far north and continue reading it couple next years… And how happy I was I found your blog again back in 2018. I hope you will be back, but if not – totally understandable!

  4. Sara says:

    Haha blir ocksÄ lite blödig, men jag uppskattar dina inlÀgg sÄ mycket och du inspirerar mig med dina tankar och din vardag! Ta den tid du behöver<3

  5. Itzel says:

    When I started reading your blog many years ago I never imagined that I would move to Sweden and learn Swedish one day. It has been so fun growing with you and going through all the life changes “together” (I moved in with my partner around the same time you did with Sean! haha). I look forward to reading you again soon!

  6. Alva says:

    Kram frÄn en som följt dig sedan Lookbook, innan Berlin, och flyttat frÄn Gbg till Norrbotten sedan du flyttat söderut. Ta hand om dig sÄ hörs vi snart igen!

  7. chi says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for a really long time. We are the same age, but it’s interesting to see how totally different our lives are, similar though our interests may be! I have loved following along with you, not just for your fashion content but also for your more thoughtful posts, and I hope to see more of these in the future. Good luck with everything and see you again soon <3 hugs from Australia.

  8. Grace says:

    I can’t say how long I’ve been following you exactly for, but it’s been some time now x3 I never commented before on anything you’ve done, but I just wanted to take the time to say that you can take all the time you need. I’m sure your readers will understand as everyone needs a break from things, to step back and catch ones breath before returning fully refreshed. I wish you all the best and hope for good days to keep continuing. Keep being you, and keep on keeping on :3

  9. Caro says:

    I remember seeing your posts on lookbook.nu and finding your blog in 2012. Since then, I’m visiting your blog every week. For me, you’re one of very few bloggers/social media girls who is truly honest with her readers (this post shows that), and I really appreciate that!
    Enjoy the break and take as much time as you need. 🙂

  10. Eline says:

    I started following in 2009 thanks to Lookbook and since then I came once a week to see what you were up to. You really helped me with all of your posts going through things and you’re the last blogger I actually read. Anyway, all of this to, first, thank and, second, tell you to enjoy your well-deserved break and take care ! <3

  11. Linnéa says:

    Kommer inte ihĂ„g exakt nĂ€r jag hittade din blogg, men jag minns sĂ„ vĂ€l första gĂ„ngen jag sĂ„g ditt röda hĂ„r poppa upp pĂ„ lookbook och sedan dess har jag lĂ€st din blogg. Hade Ă€ven en egen blogg pĂ„ den tiden och fastĂ€n jag inte bloggar lĂ€ngre sĂ„ var min blogg extremt viktig för vart mitt liv tog mig, det var nĂ€mligen via den som jag trĂ€ffade Matt frĂ„n Australien. Och sju Ă„r senare sitter jag nu i min soffa, bredvid min man i Australien och lĂ€ser din blogg. SĂ„ kan det gĂ„! Hoppas du fĂ„r en riktigt hĂ€rlig blogg paus sĂ„ ses vi nĂ€r du kommer tillbaks 🌿

  12. Tini says:

    Don’t worry and enjoy your time! Always good to focus on few things, otherwise one gets lost between too much.
    And just a fun thing to smile about: it really inspired me, that you made Kimchi by yourself. So I kept this thought and a few weeks later I talked about making Kimchi to my mum. She got inspired as well and is now making Kimchi regularly. As she is from Korea but lives far away (in Europe), it makes her happy and gives her those sparkling eyes to do this and connect with her traditions (she didn’t make Kimchi before for years). 🙂

  13. G+V says:

    â™Ș I read horoscopes in magazines especially yours in the sign of the Leo â™Ș … well, as for you, rather Taurus, right? )

  14. anas says:

    Love this post

  15. Jennie says:

    SO SAD to read that in the morningYou really inspired me a lot! You made me know about Sweden, not only about fashion. Anyway, everyone have their own pace on every stage of life. Hope to see you, your ideas, your pictures soon!

  16. Helenassss says:

    Hey! I have just read this post, cos I visit your blog not so often now. But I remember that found you on blogg.se in about 2011 year 🙂 I follow you on instagram, so I`m glad to have the opportunity to continue reading you. Greetings from Ukraine <3

  17. Helena says:

    Hey! I have just read this post, cos I visit your blog not so often now. But I remember that found you on blogg.se in about 2011 year 🙂 I follow you on instagram, so I`m glad to have the opportunity to continue reading you. Greetings from Ukraine <3

  18. Ria says:

    Hope you get all that you need during this break and we look forward to welcoming you back.

  19. Sam Collin says:

    I Like Your Styles!

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