Hej på er! De senaste dagarna har varit otroligt intensiva och spännande så jag har inte hunnit göra i ordning några riktiga inlägg åt er. Jag har fotat massor och ska visa er allt, även om det blir lite i efterhand. Vi börjar med plåtningsdag nummer fyra, i förrgår alltså:


Hello there! The past few days have been incredibly intense and exciting so I haven’t really had time to prepare some good posts for you. I’ve photographed a lot and will show you everything, but let’s take it in time order. We start with shooting day number four, the day before yesterday:



Som vanligt började dagen med smink och hår, men denna morgon var lite annorlunda. Två modeller från Australien var nämligen där och gjorde mig och Philip sällskap. De är otroligt trevliga och ska stanna hela veckan!


As usual, the day started with make up and hair, but this morning was a little different. Two models from Australia was there making me and Philip company in the studio. They are incredibly nice and are going to stay all week!



En annan sak som var annorlunda var att vi nu plåtade mot olika bakgrunder istället för en vit vägg.


Another thing that was different was that we modeled in front of different backgrounds instead of a white wall.



Såhär tufft blev det!


This is the result! Looks real, huh?



Sen var det lunchdags. Philip var taggad på sin gryta!


Then it was lunchtime, Philip was really excited about his food!



Jag åt nudelsoppa. SÅ gott! (ja, jag fuskar lite med veganismen när jag är på resande fot för att få i mig allt jag behöver)


I ate noodle soup. SO good! (yes, I cheat a little with my veganism when I’m on the road if it’s hard to get the protein I need) 



Vi var mätta och glada när vi anlände till studion igen.


Then we were ready to shoot again!



När arbetsdagen var över gick vi fyra modeller ut och åt på ett fantastiskt hak. Vi pratade om skillnader mellan Australien, Asien och Europa och drack litervis med vatten för att klara av den starka maten.


When the work day was over, all four models went out to have dinner. We talked about the differences between Australia, Asia and Europe and drank gallons of water to cope with the spicy food.



Sedan promenerade vi tillbaka till hotellet i samlad trupp för att få lite välbehövlig sömn.


Then we walked home to get some sleep.

5 responses to “ANOTHER DAY IN SEOUL

  1. myhrans says:

    Det verkar som att du har det himla kul!

  2. Jeline says:

    Seems like a totally great day!

  3. chi says:

    i’m from australia! hehe. it’s so cool you finally got to meet some of us 😉

  4. Mae says:

    You cheat?

    Well then you’re not a vegan. It’s a lifestyle that you cannot simply drop in and out of. The nerve of you to call yourself a vegan, and to even relay on to us how the vegan lifestyle so great thing on us, is audacity to a tee.

    You are not a vegan. You are a disappointment.

  5. Rosa says:

    Svar till Mae:
    I think you are being ridiculous. You can choose what you eat. Encouraging veganism/vegetarianism is ethical and good, as is understanding that you need to do what feels right for you. Getting the nutrients you need can be hard especially when you work 10 hours a day in a foreign country. Even if you ate non-vegan food every now and then doesn’t mean that you can’t call yourself a vegan or promote the vegan lifestyle. Aiming to do what is best for you while eating ethically is much much better than eating anything without thinking about it at all, so it is pretty harsh calling anyone a “disappointment” when they promote good values and lifestyle choices and live by them most of the time.

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