Skirt lovelysally, creepers Iclothing, sweater-2hand, glasseszerouv, bagLate Manta.

En väldigt spontan look jag plåtade häromdagen när jag försökte packa men mest tramsade runt. Nu sitter jag på planet och har en låång resa framför mig, jag ska försöka uppdatera er så fort jag kommer fram! Kommer nog bli lite knasigt med tidsskillnaden så inläggen kommer nog dyka upp på lite oväntade tider framöver, haha. Jag anländer vid sju svensk tid, ungefär halv två på eftermiddagen i New York. SPÄNNANDE!

A very spontaneous look I photographed the other day when I tried to pack but just couldn’t sit still. Now I’m on the plane and have a loong journey ahead of me, I’ll try to update you as soon as I arrive! It’ll be a little bit tricky with the time difference, I arrive at seven PM Swedish time, but half past one in the afternoon in New York. Not to mention the jetlag I’ll get. Haha. This is so EXCITING!

12 responses to “CAN’T SIT STILL

  1. Emma Östin says:

    Åh!!!! Ha det så himla kul!!!!!!!

  2. Michello says:

    Åh, du är fasligt söt på bilderna! 😀

  3. Flora says:

    Pretty and sweet as allways!

  4. sara says:

    Love this photoshooting, so spontaneous!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Elly says:


  6. orin says:

    haha, you’re so pretty !
    have a good time in NY 🙂

  7. Beatrice - hon med Herbariumet says:

    Typ sista dagarna som brunett på bilden va? Älskar ditt röda hår, men hade precis vant mig vid att det inte är rött längre, haha. Du passar i allt! Ha en grym New York-resa, ser fram emot bilder därifrån!

  8. Rox says:

    Hey Ebba, You look amazing! Have a great stay in NY. I have tried to find a pair of black creepers since a long time at a decent price. And after entering iclothing – I finally found them – so happy! I wanted to ask you – do you have the same size on creepers as on regular shoes? I am asking this because people were usually complaining about the fact that creepers seem to be larger on the same shoe number, by comparison with normal shoes. Thank you 🙂

  9. ebbazingmark says:

    Roxy: Thank you! I think the creepers from Iclothing are true to size 🙂 I like them very much, good quality. And I saw they were on sale now:)

  10. Charlotte says:

    Have a wonderful time in NYC and don’t think about a jetleg, the city is more than amazing and it will make you forget about being tired! 😉

  11. Rox says:

    @Ebba: Thank you! 🙂 – I will purchase a pair soon 😀 Have a wonderful stay in NY!

  12. Miranda says:

    you are so adorable 😀 and love the outfit!

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