“I’ve always been like this. Forcing mum to dress me up as a cat or a prince as a kid, changing style every other week in middle school and getting to dress like different characters every day in my theatre-focused gymnasium education. And I still do it, skating down the streets of Berlin, walking around in a classy costume at a conference in Italy and dressing like a hippie in kimono, headband and lennon-sunnies at a festival.
I don’t know wether it’s an escape or a curious attempt to figure out my “real” identity, but I’ve always wondered why it’s so important to “find your own style” when it’s so fun trying out others.”

Shirt- Gustaf’s (Whyred), shorts- a little butique in Barcelona, shoes- nike, board-junkyard.
Pics från min senaste artikel för Twoforfashion, som handlar om att använda kläder för att gå in i olika “roller”, typ. Läs hela artikeln och se mer bilder HÄR.
Efter en lugn helg har jag nästan blivit av med febern. Äntligen! Det enda problemet som återstår nu är min otroligt ömma hals. En knäpp sak med Berlin är att ALLA matvarubutiker har stängt på söndagar, annars hade jag promenerat till lidl och inhandlat hela deras lager av ingefära och halstabletter. Nog om mina hälsoproblem, hehe. Älskar hur min blogg blir någon slags symptom-journal när jag är sjuk. Nu ska jag göra brakfrukost och sedan ta tag i mitt liv. Glad söndag!
Pics from my last article for Twoforfashion, which is about using clothes to get into different characters. Read the full story and see more photos HERE.
After a quiet weekend, I almost got rid of the fever. Finally! The only problem that remains now is my incredibly sore throat. A strange thing about Berlin is that all supermarkets are closed on Sundays, otherwise I would have walked to Lidl to buy their entire stock of ginger and throat lozenges. Enough about my health problems, hehe. It’s funny how my blog turns in to some kind of symptom-journal when I’m sick. Now I’ll make a big brunch and then do something with y life. Happy Sunday!