Photo- Ruben, edit- Me, clothes and make- ASOS

Jag och Tilda var pĂ„ ASOS-kontoret igĂ„r för att kika pĂ„ deras nya make up-produkter och min gamle fotograf-kompis Ruben var dĂ€r och plĂ„tade. SĂ„ ah, lĂ„t mig presentera resultatet av kombinationen “obegrĂ€nsad tillgĂ„ng till ansiktskritor” och “fria hĂ€nder”. Haha. Även om jag inte (vanligtvis) skulle promenera runt precis sĂ„hĂ€r till vardags blev jag Ă€ndĂ„ inspirerad att leka mer med fĂ€rgglad make. Dessa ansiktsfĂ€rger Ă€r faktiskt ett collab med Crayola, kritmĂ€rket som vi sĂ€kert alla minns frĂ„n dagis. Älskar den hĂ€rliga kĂ€nslan av barnslig frihet det bidrar med!! Ha en (fĂ€rg)glad fredag nu kompisar, puss!

Me and Tilda were at the ASOS office yesterday to look at their new make up products and my old photographer mate Ruben was there shooting. Soooooo, let me introduce the result of the combination of “unlimited access to face crayons” and “free hands”. Haha. Even though I (probably) wouldn’t walk around just like this everyday, I got really inspired to play around more with colorful make up. These face crayons are actually a collab between ASOS and Crayola, the crayon brand most of us probably remember from kindergarten. I just love the lovely feeling of childish freedom it gives!!
Anyway, have a happy Friday buddies, talk soon xx


Pants from The Cords and CO

Glad söndag! Blev tvungen att skjuta upp mitt planerade inlÀgg om pressdagarna idag pÄ grund av en sista minuten-bokning av ett kul designrelaterat projekt som plötsligt tar upp hela dagen. BerÀttar sÄ fort jag fÄr! Pepp! MÄste jobba med mitt schema som ett Tetris-pussel just nu för att eliminera alla tomma luckor med nytt jobb som hela tiden rullar in, haha. Konsekvensen av att vara en ja-sÀgare, I guess.

Anyway! Tony kom över tidigare i veckan och trollade bort de mesta röda pigmenten ur mitt hÄr för att göra nÄgon slags honungs-rÄg-blond historia av det istÀllet. Tycker verkligen att denna fylliga varma tonen kÀnns helt rÀtt, kÀnner mig otroligt klar med det ljusa grÄ-blonda nu. Vi passade ocksÄ pÄ att ta nÄgra centimeter pÄ lÀngden nÀr vi ÀndÄ var i farten, kort hÄr Àr verkligen en blessing nu nÀr temperaturerna stiger! U like?

Happy Sunday! I had to postpone my planned post about the press days today because of a last minute booking of a really exciting design-related project that suddenly takes up all my time day. I tell you about it as soon as I’m allowed to! I have to work with my schedule like a Tetris puzzle right now to eliminate all empty gaps with all new assignments that are constantly rolling in, haha. The curse of being a yes-sayer, I guess, haha.

Anyway! Tony came over earlier this week and took out the most red pigments from my hair to make some kind of honey-rye-blond style instead. I really think this deep blonde tone feels completely right, I’m incredibly done with the bright gray blonde now. We also chopped off a few centimeters when we were at it, short hair really is a blessing now when temperatures are rising! U like?


 (shirt from Weekday, earrings from COS)

Goof Proof Brow Pencil, 03 medium, Benefit Cosmetics.
There’s no doubt that Benefit are one of the leading brands when it comes to perfect brows. This pencil has the perfect color (I never thought I’d need a light shade like this, but since I started using neutral eyebrow colors instead of the black and dark brown I used before, my face looks much “softer and natural”). I also use this little fella for making freckles, since the nuance turned out to be perfect for that too.

Liquid eyeliner, black, & Other Stories.
Making eyeliner wing has never been this easy! I love the rick black color and the short felt tip. The downside is that it runs out quite quickly, but then again, if you return the empty product to the store you’ll get a discount on your next eyeliner.

Shimmer stick, “starstruck”, Fenty Beauty.
A perfect highlighter to use on cheekbones, eyelids, nose, lips… everywhere! It gives a really nice shiny glow instead of the artificial glittery effect many other highlighters have.

Wax and Moulding paste from Maria Nila’s Mineral Collection.
The recent weeks I’ve discovered hair wax. I’ve never really liked using wax ever before, but suddenly I use it almost every day! It just makes the hair so easy to work with, and gives it a nice careless finish. These two are both from Maria Nila’s new Mineral collection, they are both based on natural vegan ingredients and doesn’t give that heavy, oily look some other waxes might give.

Hej kompisar! PÄ sistone har jag upptÀckt en hel del nya produkter i Beauty-vÀg, som pÄ riktigt Àndrat min rutin en hel del. Det blir alltid sÄ mycket roligare att lÀgga tid pÄ sin styling nÀr man har nya element att leka med, sÄ jag ville bara dela med mig lite av min beauty-pepp till er genom att STARKT rekommendera dessa pÀrlor. Har ni nÄgra favoritprodukter att tipsa om?

Recently, I’ve discovered a lot of new Beauty products which really changed my routine a lot. It’s always so much more fun to spend time on styling when you have new products to play with, so I just wanted to share some of my beauty discoveries with you, by STRONGLY recommending these fellas. Do you have any favorite products to share with me?


Hej pĂ„ er. Ville bara kika in snabbt hĂ€r och visa er min nya frisyr! HĂ„rgeniet Tony kom över tidigare i veckan för att befria mig frĂ„n mina slitna hĂ„rtestar till toppar, men nĂ€r min blonda, pryda bob var klar kunde varken han eller jag lĂ„ta bli att fortsĂ€tta make-overn, och mĂ„nga timmars klipp och fĂ€rg senare ser jag ut sĂ„hĂ€r. KĂ€nner fortfarande inte igen mig sjĂ€lv nĂ€r jag tittar i spegeln, men det kĂ€nns SÅ kul att ha en ny look att leka med inför kommande uppdrag! OmvĂ€xling förnöjer, och sĂ„ vidare. PUSS pĂ„ er, glad fredag!

Hola! I just wanted to make a quick post to show you my new haircut! The hair genius Tony came over earlier this week to set me free from my split ends, but when we had gotten rid of 15 cm and transformed my hair to a tidy blonde bob, neither he or I wanted to stop the make over. Hoooours of cutting and coloring, it finally came out like this. I still can’t recognize myself when I look in the mirror, but I’m so excited to have a new look to play with for my coming campaigns and projects! HUGS, and happy Friday!


NĂ€men hallĂ„ dĂ€r! Är det inte ett vÀÀÀÀldigt vĂ€lbekant fejs pĂ„ dessa förpackningar? Jovars!

Hey, isn’t that a very familiar face on the hair color package? That’s right! It’s me!

Resultatet frĂ„n plĂ„tningen jag gjorde i Paris i vĂ„ras har nĂ€mligen slĂ€ppts pĂ„ hĂ„rfĂ€rgspaket i butiker runt om i vĂ€rlden! SJUKT va? Hojta gĂ€rna om ni ser mig pĂ„ butikshyllorna pĂ„ Rossmann och DM i Berlin eller Åhlens mfl. i Sverige.
Creddigt eller ej, jag tycker detta Ă€r SÅ kul! I nĂ„gon mĂ„n mĂ„ste jag ju Ă€ndĂ„ erkĂ€nna att detta har varit ett goal sedan 10-Ă„riga Ebba satt bĂ€nkad framför serier som Top Model i byn utanför UmeĂ„.

The result of the shoot in Paris last spring has been released on Lorea’s Colorista packages in stores around the world! Crazy, huh? If you see me on the store shelves at Rossmann and DM in Berlin or Åhlens etc. in Sweden, let me know! To some some extent, I gotta admit that this has been a little life goal since 10-year-old Ebba watched Top Model in the little village I grew up in)

Produkten Ă€r en medium-washout i stark rosa nyans. Jag brukar som bekant anvĂ€nda Loreal’s washout-fĂ€rger i blĂ„tt, peach och rosa nĂ€r jag tröttnar pĂ„ min vanliga hĂ„rfĂ€rg, sĂ„ det passar mig utmĂ€rkt att fĂ„ vara fejset utĂ„t för en av dem.

The product is a medium-washout in strong pink shade. I usually use Loreal’s washout colors in blue, peach and pink when I’m tired of my usual hair color, so I feel that I’m a good person to be the new face for one of them.

Jag ska försöka luska fram fler av de fÀrdiga bilderna frÄn plÄtningen i vÄras att visa er framöver. Tills dess: PUSS frÄn er alldeles egna Colorista. Ha en fet lördag!

I’ll try to get hold of some more of the finished pictures from the shoot to show you next week. Until then: HUGS from your very own Colorista. Have a great Saturday!