Puuh, jag jonglerar fashionweek, tyskaplugg, socialt liv och jobb för fullt just nu. Är sĂ„ tacksam över att vi gjorde en stor sats av denna gryta förra veckan, resterna stĂ„r nĂ€mligen pĂ„ spisen i detta nu och ger mig lite extra tid att avsluta jobbet istĂ€llet för att laga mat. Minns att “rester” var en av mina absoluta favoritrĂ€tter som barn, haha. Denna fantastiska gryta Ă€r perfekt att göra en stor sats av; den Ă€r mĂ€ttande, sötstark, krĂ€mig, helt vegansk och blir bara godare om den fĂ„r “stĂ„ till sig” lite i kylen. HĂ€r kommer receptet:

I’m juggling fashion week, German studies, social life and work the best I can right now. I’m so grateful that we made a big batch of this pot last week, because the leftovers are simmering on the stove right now (it smells delicious!) and gives me some extra time to finish off my work instead of having to cook something else. When I was a kid, “leftovers” was one of my favorite dishes, haha.
This amazing pot is perfect to make some extra of to keep for stressful days, it will make you full, it’s sweet and spicy, super creamy, completely vegan and only gets better after a few days in the refrigerator. Here’s the recipe:

1 dl lentils (we used green ones, but red works just as well)
1 pack of cherry tomatoes, sliced in halves
1 can of coconut milk
2 tbsp coconut oil
3 dl water
One mango, or 250 grams frozen mango
1 onion
3 garlic cloves
3 cm’s fresh ginger
1 chili
1/2 dl tomato puré
100 grams spinach leaves
2 tbsp turmeric
Salt and pepper

Chop onion, garlic and ginger and fry it in the coconut oil together with the turmeric. Add all the other ingredients besides the tomatoes, lentils and spinach, and mix everything with a hand mixer until the texture is smooth. Add the lentils and let it simmer until they’re nice and soft (add more water if you think the sauce gets too thick). Finish by adding the tomatoes and spinach. Done! Serve with a slice of nice bread, quinoa, salad or just as it is. Enjoy!

Hey please let me know if you try this recipe, and how you like it! It’s one of my favorite everyday dishes for sure!

….and the pretty plates and salt/pepper mills are from KĂ€hler.

how I begin my day (EVERY day)

God morgon och vĂ€lkomna in i den Ă„rstid dĂ€r det helt enkelt inte GÅR att fota inomhus pĂ„ grund av bristen pĂ„ dagsljus. Haha. DĂ„ fĂ„r man tĂ€nda ljus och anamma den analoga redigerings-stilen för att i alla fall försöka skapa nĂ„gon slags stĂ€mning.

Hur som helst! Idag tÀnkte jag berÀtta lite mer om mina OTROLIGT rutin-bundna morgnar. Jag tycker att det Àr supermysigt att fÄ masa sig upp frÄn sÀngen och veta exakt vad som vÀntar en, kanske Àr det dÀrför jag (och Sean) har Àtit exakt samma frukost i princip varje morgon sedan vi flyttade ihop. Det Àr nÄgot jag aaaldrig tröttnar pÄ, och som skapar starka cravings om jag tvingas vara utan för lÀnge:

Good morning, and welcome to the season when it’s simply IMPOSSIBLE to take photos indoors due to the lack of daylight. Haha. All I can do is light some candles and embrace the analogue editing style to at least create some kind of cozy atmosphere,

Anyway! Today, I want to tell you about my incredibly routine-bound mornings. I love crawling up from bed, knowing exactly what awaits me. Maybe that’s why Sean and I have eaten exactly the same breakfast basically every morning since we moved together. It’s something I’ll never get tired of, and creates strong cravings if I’m forced to be without it for too long:

Yoghurt. Granola. Punkt. Inga surdegsbröd med avocado, acaibowls eller chiasmoothies i vÀrlden kan ersÀtta detta för mig.

Det Àr viktigt med rÀtt ingredienser: vi Àr besatta av ICAs egna frukt och nöt-musli, men eftersom musli-utbudet hÀr i Berlin lÀmnar en del (!!) att önska, brukar jag göra egen granola genom att blanda en bunke med havregryn och nötter med 2 msk kokosfett, 3 msk honung och 1 dl vatten som jag lÄtit smÀlta ihop pÄ spisen, tillsÀtta lite salt och massor av kanel och sedan köra in i ugnen pÄ 150 grader tills det Àr crisp (genirecept!!!!). Detta Àts tillsammans med ekologisk fullfet yoghurt och bÀr, inget tjafs.

SÄ, nu vill jag höra: Vad Àter ni helst till frukost?

Yoghurt. Granola. Period. No sourdough bread with avocado, acaibowls or chiasmoothies in the world can replace this for me.

It’s important to have the right ingredients: I usually make my own granola super easily by mixing a bowl of oatmeal and nuts with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 dl of water that has melted together on the stove, add a little salt and lots of cinnamon and then leave it in the oven at 150 degrees until it’s crisp (this is the ultimate recipe!!!!). We eat this together with organic full-fat yogurt and berries. That is the recipe for my ultimate breakfast.

So, now I’m curious: What do you eat for breakfast? Are you also a routine bound person like me?

SAT, 10:30 AM

Hej! Efter en vecka som varit rÀtt fylld med kvÀllsaktiviteter stannade vi bara hemma igÄr, gick till sÀngs i tid och sov ut ordentligt imorse. Vaknade av ljudet av en frÀsande stekpanna och lukten av plÀttar frÄn köket. Sean tog med sig ett tusen kilo tungt plÀttjÀrn i gjutjÀrn frÄn sverige sist vi var dÀr, sedan dess har plÀttar blivit en Äterkommande frukost-rÀtt hemma hos oss.

Jag har i nĂ„gra veckar pĂ„ skĂ€mt sagt att jag ska börja “sylta och safta”, “virka” och “baka” pĂ„ min nyvunna fritid nĂ€r praktiken Ă€r över. Kanske var det dĂ€rför vi fick för oss att köpa hem en pĂ„se full av rabarber och koka v-Ă€-r-l-d-e-n-s godaste rabarberkompott för ett tag sedan. Har alltid tĂ€nkt att sylt, marmelad och saft ska vara sĂ„ himla svĂ„rt och krĂ„ngligt men det Ă€r bara att hacka rabarbern, lĂ„ta den koka med nĂ„gra deciliter vatten och socker, en kanelstĂ„ng och nĂ„gra kardemummakĂ€rnor tills den mjuknat till en sĂ„s och hĂ€lla upp pĂ„ burk. Vi brukar anvĂ€nda typ tvĂ„ tredjedelar av andelen socker i receptet eftersom det Ă€r sĂ„Ă„Ă„ gott nĂ€r kompotten fortfarande Ă€r rĂ€tt syrlig, detta gör att den hĂ„ller aningen kortare men Ă„ andra sidan att den gĂ„r Ă„t sĂ„ mycket fortare eftersom det blir sĂ„ gott. PlĂ€ttarna steker vi bara enligt standard-recept, men i massor av smör.

Ibland Àr att göra basala saker som att sova, laga mat, plantera vÀxter eller gÄ promenader det absolut lyxigaste som finns. Har blivit lite bÀttre pÄ att lÀmna helgerna öppna Ät sysslor som dessa, och kÀnner verkligen hur bra det Àr, Àven fast det tar emot att sakta ner nÀr man gjort en vana av att alltid optimera sin vardag. Hundra lördagskramar.

After a week filled with evening activities, we just stayed home yesterday night, went to bed on time and slept a long night’s sleep. Woke up from the sound of a frying pan and the smell of pancakes from the kitchen. Sean brought a unbelievably heavy pancake cast iron pan from Sweden last time we were there, since then, pancakes have become a returning breakfast dish at our place.

I’ve been joking about starting making “jam and juice”, “knit” and “bake” on my newly won spare time when the internship is over. Maybe that’s why we got the idea to buy a bag full of rhubarb and cook the most delicious rhubarb jam a few years ago. I always thought that jam, marmalade and is something so complicated and difficult, but it’s really jus chopping the rhubarb, let it boil with a few deciliters of water and sugar, a cinnamon stick and some cardamom kernels until it has softened to a sauce and pour it into the jar. We usually use about two thirds of the amount of sugar in the recipe because it is sooo good when the jam is still a bit sour. For the pancakes, we just use a standard recipe but make sure to fry them in heaps of butter.

Sometimes doing basic things like sleeping, cooking, taking care of plants or just walking is the most luxurious things to do. I’ve become a little better at leaving weekends open to things like these, and I really feel how good it is for me, even though it’s hard to let yourself slow down when you’re usually making a habit of always optimizing your everyday life. xx


Ohoy fredag! RÀtt simpla foton i detta inlÀgg, I know, men sÄ blir det nÀr ens kille serverar nÄgon sÄ omöjligt gott att man efter nÄgra tuggor helt enkelt mÄste stÀlla upp tallriken vid fönstret och knÀppa nÄgra bilder bara för att fÄ dela med sig av denna mat-upplevelse till omvÀrlden.
Åt detta till lunch tre dagar i rad bara för att det var sĂ„ gott. NĂ€r jag frĂ„gade honom om receptet Ă€r detta vad han svarade:

Ohoy Friday! Pretty simple photos in this post, I know, but that’s what happens when one’s boyfriend serve you a lunch that’s so incredibly good that you simply have to place the plate by a window and snap some pictures just to share this food- experience to the rest of t world.
I ate this for lunch three days in a row just because it was so good. When I asked him about the recipe, this is what he told me:

2 hela tomater i burk, mycket viktigt! Quote frĂ„n Sean: “min kompis James som jobbade i tomatfabrik berĂ€ttade att dom finaste tomaterna sĂ€ljs hela med skal i butikerna, de nĂ€st bĂ€sta sĂ€ljs som hela tomater i burk, de dĂ„liga blir krossade tomater och de absolut vĂ€rsta blir passerade tomater- dĂ€rför ska man alltid vĂ€lja hela konserverade tomater om man vill ha en god tomatsĂ„s- ganska logiskt egentligen”

1 aubergine
1/4 zucchini
liten morot
halv purjolök (den vita delen)
1 selleristjÀlk

2 vitlöksklyftor,
peppar, salt, persilja,
paprika och chilipulver

1 paket röd-lins-penne (funkar sĂ„klart med vanlig penne men denna var SÅ god)

Stek alla grönsaker och kryddor i olja, börja med aubergine och purjolök sÄ att de hinner mjukna innan du tillsÀtter resten av grönsakerna och kryddorna. TillsÀtt tomaterna och lÄt sÄsen puttra. Koka pastan. Rör ihop alltsammans, lÀgg upp pÄ tvÄ tallrikar, ringla över rikligt med olivolja och toppa med parmesan. VarsÄgoda för Ärets bÀsta vardagslunch (lovar att ni kommer vilja Àta detta varje veckodag).

2 whole canned tomatoes, very important! Quote from Sean: “My friend James, who worked in a tomato factory, told me that the finest tomatoes are sold whole and fresh in the stores, the second best are sold as whole canned tomatoes, the bad ones becomes crushed tomatoes and the worst are tomato puree. So always choose whole canned tomatoes if you want a good tomato sauce- it really makes sense if you think about it”

1 eggplant
1/4 zucchini
A small carrot
Half a leek (the white part)
1 celery

2 garlic cloves,
Pepper, salt, parsley, paprika and chilli powder

olive oil
1 pack of red lentil penne pasta (of course it’s okay with normal penne but this one was so good)

Fry all vegetables and spices in oil (start with the eggplant and leek so that they soften a bit before adding the rest of the vegetables and spices). Add the tomatoes and let the sauce boil. Boil the pasta. Mix pasta and sauce, pour over plenty of olive oil and finish with with parmesan. Promise you’ll be wanting to eat this every day for the rest of the week.


Ett skepp kommer lastat med lunchtips! Precis innan jag flyttade in hos ris-allergiska Sean (ah eller egentligen Àr han vÀldigt kÀnslig mot sura livsmedel. Fun fact: ris Àr ett av de suraste livsmedlen vi har, medan citron Àr ett av de mest basiska) passade jag pÄ att laga en sista ris-rÀtt, haha. Eftersom jag Àr oooootroligt svag för kimchi fick det bli en bibimbap-inspirerad kimchi/fried rice-grej. Tokigt god 10-minuters lunch. HÀr kommer recept:

Just before I moved in with rice-allergic Sean I took the opportunity to cook a last rice-dish, haha (erm, or actually he’s just very sensitive to sour foods. Fun fact: Rice is one of the most acidic foods we have, while Lemon is one of the most basic). Since I’m obsessed with kimchi, I decided to make a bibimbap inspired kimchi/fried rice thingy. Crazy yummy 10-minute lunch. Here’s recipe:

1 dl kimchi (I had a pot of kimchi from the store, but you can also make your own very easily, recipe HERE)
1 portion cooked white rice
1 table spoon sesame oil
1 table spoon soy sauce
1 cm ginger
1 clove of garlic
1 spring onion
1 dl green soy beans
1/2 carrot
1 egg
sesame seeds

Shred the carrots and finely chop the spring onion, ginger and garlic. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the rice together with the beans, carrots, ginger, onion, garlic, kimchi, soy sauce until the rice is a little bit crispy. Crack an egg in the pan and leave the heat on until it’s not runny anymore. Serve in a bowl and top with sesame seeds. Eat with sticks for a more genuine feeling, hahah. Bon apetit!