Och den som kommer få lukta lite extra gott i vår med doften ?freak? från illamasqua (värde: 550 kr) är…. Jeanette! Grattis! Du kommer att kontaktas via mail inom kort.

Jag måste bara fråga er kompisar. Jag har ju låtit tävlingar och giveaways ta hyfsat stor plats här på bloggen den senaste tiden. Vad tycker ni om det? Jag vill ju ge er alla möjligheter jag kan att vinna roliga priser. Men blir det för mycket, eller är det bara kul?

Translate: And the one who gets to smell a little extra good this spring with the scent “freak” from illamasqua (value 550sek) is …. Jeanette!Congratulations! You will be contacted via email shortly.

I just have to ask you friends. I’ve been lettig different contests and giveaways take pretty big place here on my blog recently. What do you think about that? I want to give you every opportunity I can to win fun prizes. But does it get too much, or is it just fun? What do you think?


  1. Filippa says:

    bara awesome. du är för generös 🙂 !

  2. Hannah D. says:

    I think it’s a nice idea especially for those who are just like me and maybe don’t have the money to buy the clothes they would like to buy. So thanks for the opportunity you give us so often. =)

  3. Mooa says:

    Jag tycker att det är kul!

  4. Hadeil says:

    I totally agree with Hannah D.! Giveaways are a great oppurtunity for people who can’t afford a particular kind of brand…And of course they help you attire more followers to your blog! So I think giveaways are a great chance for you but also for your readers.

  5. celine says:

    Synes det er cool – ligesom din blog 😉

  6. Isabell says:

    Hannah and Hadeil, I can only agree! Ebba, I think giveaways on your blog arereally nice. It makes fun, and every time your readers can hope to win a cute gift. So you get more faithful readers, and some of your faithful readers get a nice gift. It’s a big enrichment. And I’m in love wive giveaways anyway! 😉 So go ahead my dear! Isabell

  7. Andrea says:

    Congratulations to her!
    I don’t think the giveaways are “too much”, I mean, how could anyone dislike having the chance of winning something? And also, it’s your blog so you are free to do with it whatever you want! 🙂
    I am thankful for all these giveaways, I may not have won anything but at least I had the chance. So thanks a lot Ebba!

  8. Nikki.L says:

    Ebba they are a great thing it helps you and your fans interact. Instead of always taking our sweet comments and our support you give something back which makes us love you even more because we feel that you really hear us and genuionely care about us! I am sure you would love to give something to every single one of your fans but that would be impossible, so I belive that by doing this it is a nice way of showing that you care and are a kind person.

  9. Alice says:

    Congratulations to Jeanette!
    I agree with what everyone has already said.
    Giveaways are definitely good for both you and the readers. Having the chance to win something is always nice and giving readers this chance provides your blog with more readers and more supportive followers. All in all, I see giveaways as a win-win situation! 🙂
    Even though giveaways are awesome, there’s still one type of post I like more than them. Seeing pictures of you and your gorgeous outfits! Your posts always make my day a little brighter 😀

  10. Jeanette says:

    Nu svimmar jag lite inombords! Jag vann! Vilken underbar start på veckan:)

  11. Majo says:

    Jag tycker det är jättekul med tävlingar, tycker det är lagom måpnga som det är nu faktiskt :d Sen är det klart att min inte läser din blogg för tävlingarnas skull, men det är liksom en kul bonus! 😀

  12. Linnea says:

    Jag tycker det är jättroligt med tävlingar, speciellt när dina tävlingar har så GRYMMA priser i potten 🙂

  13. Hedvig says:

    Bara kul tycker jag. Har inte upplevt att det tar allt för mycket plats! 🙂

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