Ett år från nu , i Juli 2012, var jag på mitt livs äventyr; tågluffen. Vi hade så fullt upp med att uppleva flera fantastiska platser i Europa att komforten fick gå före utseendet- outfits som på den första bilden framför Lennon wall i Prag var standard. När jag kom hem åkte jag raka vägen till Örsten där jag kopplade av, promenerade på stranden, vindsurfade, åt god mat och gick omkring i mjuka kläder. Vilken look gillar ni mest?


A year from now, in July 2012, I was on one of my life’s biggest adventures so far; the iterrail. We were so busy trying to experience many amazing places in Europe that the comfort wass more important than my appearance, so outfits like the one on the first image in front of Lennon wall in Prague was common. When I got home I went straight to Örsten where I relaxed, walked on the beach, wind surfied, ate good food and wore soft clothes. Which look do you like the most?

9 responses to “ETT ÅR FRÅN NU- JULI 2012

  1. Alexandra says:

    I like the fifth one. You’re so funny and cute on this pic ^_^

  2. myhrans says:

    Så fina bilder!

  3. Carola says:

    love look number 2!! interrail sounds wonderful, I bet you have thousands of memories!


  4. yunna says:

    Outfit on the picture nr two is
    really cute! But all of theme are lovely ;)) you are the best xxx

  5. yunna says:

    Outfit on the picture nr two is
    really cute! But all of theme are lovely ;)) you are the best xxx

  6. fannydarling says:

    Så ljuvliga foton!

  7. Tra Mi says:

    The fifth photo is so cassie from skins

  8. Amanda says:

    the first outfit has always done one of my all-time favorites of yours!!

  9. Mikaela says:

    5:an är finast. Varifrån är gummistövlarna?

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