Nu när vädret är så ruggigt och dygnets ljusa timmar blir färre och färre myser jag allt som oftast runt i flanell och stickat. Världens bekvämaste pannband och shorts- Roboty Reczne, tee och kavaj- 2hand, skor- Joewho, skjorta- carlings och polo-mango.

Sitter i detta nu på veckans sista graf-lektion räknar ner inför helgen. Om 2 timmar väntar ledighet och lussebullsfika. Äntligen! Ha en grym fredag allesammans.

Translate: Now that the weather is so cold and the daylight hours are getting fewer and fewer I often hang around in cozy flannel- and knitted garments like these. Super-comfy knitted headband and shorts-Roboty Reczne, tee and jacket-2hand, shoes-Joewho, shirt-Carlings and polo-mango.

Right now I’m sitting at the week’s last graphic design-lession, counting down for the weekend. In about two hours I’ll end a busy shool-week with saffron-buns, coffee and friends. Soft! Have an awesome Friday, everyone!

25 responses to “FLANELL+STICKAT

  1. sofie og frida says:

    LOVE your shorts

  2. Lola Finn says:

    Your shorts are so cute!

  3. The fashion calling says:

    Beautiful outfit! I love the colors!

  4. May Casson says:

    Stunning, I love the coat. – kindoflovely.com

  5. amalie says:

    så fint! love your shorts!!

  6. Rachel says:

    lovely outfit!


  7. Sophia says:

    Stunning pictures and outfit as always <333

  8. Lilia says:

    You are gorgeous, my dear Ebba! 🙂
    By the way, what is the street called where you always take your outfit photos? <33

  9. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Lilia: Thanks! It’s called “laxgränd” (“salmon alley”), It’s where I live 🙂

  10. Ingrid B says:

    Du er så pen! <3

  11. REBECKA says:


  12. Felicia says:

    Du är så himla vacker! Och så sjukt snygg stil 😀

  13. Alexandra Kjellman says:


  14. Kariin says:

    Fin blogg! Följa varandra på bloglovin? 😀

  15. Alexandra says:

    Fin skjorta!

  16. Diana says:

    Shit Ebbz det känns som det var en evighet sen man såg dig!

  17. April says:

    Hi Ebba! Just wondering, how many daylight hours do you have left? I was just reading about sweden the other day, and was amazed to learn about the midnight sun, northern lights and everything! so different from where I live- way near the equator. i would definitely love to visit sweden one day and take a hike in one of those forests I often see in your photos!:)

  18. Ebba Zingmark says:

    April: Right now we have about 3,5 hours depending on the weather, but It’s getting even darker. You’re welcome to Sweden, haha! It’s actully is kind of beautiful here, but you rarely think about it when you live here cause you’re so used to it. I would like to go to somewhere near the equator! 😉

  19. Saskia says:

    I started following your blog about 2 months ago and it sometimes seems like you never wear the same combination of clothing two times what actually makes me everyday kind of excited to find out what you wear 😀
    I absolutely love your style and I think that you are kind of a huge inspiration for so many people that are following you throughout many months and even years! You got my deepest admiration Ebba (btw. I find your name awesome!)
    And at least just one question: what’s the name of your coloration? 🙂
    lots of love from northern Germany! :*

  20. JustinaVeraMaria says:

    Fantastiskt fint! Shortsen är underbara.

  21. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Saskia: Thank you so much, your words make me really glad:) If you meen coloration of my hair, it’s Loreal preferense 7.40 pure paprika. I’m naturally dark blond.

  22. Maria Jernov says:

    Love love love the headband and the shorts! and then your just always so beautiful 🙂

    Maria Jernov


  23. Apolline says:

    I love this look and all your looks ! You’re so amazing !

  24. April says:

    It does look beautiful, especially in your photos! I’m definitely putting Sweden on my travel list! 🙂 If you’re ever near Asia, you should go to Palawan (a must!) or Boracay in the Philippines! It’s got really beautiful beaches, and also nice sites for scuba diving! 🙂

    Btw I really thought your hair was naturally red! It really suits you well! 🙂

    Looking forward to more of your posts! 🙂

  25. Ecem says:

    Hi Ebba ! Do you use contact lenses ? If you do, what brand and colour are they ? Your eyes are gorgeous !

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