Top- The Orphan’s Arms, shoes- sarenza, skirt- choies, glasses-ZeroUV.

Så här såg jag ut igår! Sömnsvullen och trött efter nattens bussresa, men väldigt peppad. Det är så skönt att resa bort lite! Eftersom vårt wifi här på hotellet är väldigt dåligt blev jag tvungen att sänka kvalitén för att kunna ladda upp bilderna så dom är ju lite brusiga, men ni ser ju ändå. Visst är tröjan fin? Nu ska vi bege oss ut och upptäcka stan, och senare ikväll ska vi gå på en bloggfest med en massa internationella bloggare. Ska bli så himla kul att träffa alla. Ha en fin lördag kompisar!

This is what I looked like yesterday! Swollen and tired after the night bus ride, but very excited. It is so nice to go away from Sweden a few days! Since our wifi here at the hotel is very bad, I had to lower the quality in order to upload these images, but you can see what I’m wearing anyways. The sweater is awesome, don’t you think? Now we’ll head out and explore the city, and later tonight we’ll go on a blog party with a bunch of international bloggers. It’ll be so much fun to meet everyone. Have a nice Saturday friends!


10 responses to “FOXY STREET

  1. cajsa says:

    sååå snygg!!

  2. coline says:

    oh my gosh i love your outfit and that sweater is soo cute!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    i bet this sweater would look even better if you had red hair 🙁 i mean you still look incredibly beautiful but i just miss your red hair..sorry!

  4. katy vess says:

    the whole outfit is amazing, ebba! i seriously love that sweater!

  5. Ewa says:

    i love your style! xoxo

  6. Trâm says:

    The top is so cute and I still like your hair

  7. Elle says:

    Yeah the sweater is awesome! Love it!
    Have a great time there! 🙂
    xx Elle

  8. wirag says:

    I assume you won’t give me this jumper, even if I have red hair and I’d send you some pretty cool stuff in return. Am I rigth? ):

  9. Jan says:

    You look amazing!

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