Bildmix från igår. Har haft en grym dag med havsbad i läskigt feta vågor, promenad längs lyxiga hamn-gator i Puerto Banos och middag på en mysig restaurang i den fina bergsbyn Frigiliana. Imorgon besöker vi Nerjas “Donkey Sanctuary”, vilket tydligen är något slags djurräddningscenter där man kan komma och kela med åsnor och hundar bland annat (tack Matilda för tipset!!). Pepp!  

Translate:  Random pics from yesterday. I’ve had an awesome day bathing in the sea among enormous waves, strolling along the luxury port-streets in Puerto Banos and eating dinner at a cozy restaurant in the beautiful mountain village Frigiliana. Tomorrow we will visit Nerja “Donkey Sanctuary” (thank you Matilda for the tip!), which I’m really excited to. Goodnight everyone!

10 responses to “FRIGILIANA

  1. Seung-won says:

    Aww, amazing photos! I wanna be there, too.

  2. Violette says:

    Those are splendid pictures!

  3. Hishojo says:

    Hey, Ebba! Hope you’re well in Spain! I also was there about 2 months ago and I have just posted several stories in my blog, that was inspired by yours!) Thank you soo much, I’m a big fan and will be over the moon if you visit my blog!)

  4. nella says:


  5. Cindy ? says:

    Åh, vilka härliga bilder! 🙂

  6. ladymuffin says:

    vilken fin blogg du har! 😀 riktigt begåvad!

    Ha en underbar start på helgen! Kramar

  7. Marta says:

    I’m from Spain, and I follow yor blog I hope you’re fine here in Andalucía, ’cause I’m from there but from Almería ^^ When I saw your ice cream I was like… “La lechera” that’s a Spanish brand 😀 hahaha Hope you like Spain

  8. Emily says:

    your photos are great 🙂
    looks like your having an amazing time
    i went to Nerja in February and i think i stayed within 100 metres of where you stay haha, Frigiliana is beautiful isn’t it?
    have a great rest of your holiday x

  9. Freddi says:

    Å Mys. & Du är Fin.

  10. Nora says:

    Shortsen på bild två! Sååå fin!

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