Pants and jacket- Choies, clutch- primark, tee- Romwe, halsband- Merrin&Gussy, boots- Marc O’Polo- Sarenza

Så detta är alltså hur jag såg ut på Vouge-festivalen med Stylight. I början hade jag en stram knut i nacken men just som vi skulle åka spontan-ändrade jag till en slarvig fläta istället. Jag gillar verkligen hur det gjorde hela looken lite mer avslappnad! Det var länge sedan jag hade flätor men jag har en känsla av att ni kommer få se mer av den frisyren i sommar. Clutchen hittade jag på Primark för en struntsumma och målade över några gulddetaljer med svart nagellack för att den skulle passa min planerade outfit (My kommer alltid med så många tips och tricks, haha!). Visst blev det bra? Nu återstår bara att önska er en fin Valborg. Själv tar jag bussen norrut för att fira in våren med en god vän. Vi hörs imorgon hörrni!

So this is how I looked at Vogue Festival with Stylight. At first I had a tight bun in my neck but just as we were going I spontaneously changed it to a sloppy braid instead. I really like how it made the look a little more relaxed! It was long since the last time I had braids but I have a feeling you will be seeing more of that hairstyle this summer. I found the clutch at Primark really cheap and painted over some gold detailing with black nail polish so it would suit my planned outfit (My always comes with so many tips and tricks, haha). Like it? At last I want to wish you a happy May Day (if you guys celebrate that, haha), I’ll take the bus north to celebrate it with a good friend. Talk to you tomorrow, hugs!

14 responses to “GOING OUT

  1. Lara says:

    Hey Ebba, I really like this look, I love how it’s chic and relaxed at the same time!
    I have a question for you… I recently saw your video “Tågluffen 2012!” on your VideofyMe account and fell in love with it. I want to give my bestfriend a camera as a gift for her 18th birthday and I’m lookin for the best price-quality deal. What camera did you use in that video? And what editing program?

    Would be lovely if you answered!
    Hugs from Milan 🙂

  2. ebbazingmark says:

    Lara: Thank you! We used a nikon D90 to record it, it’s a pretty expensive camera but I think you can find it cheap second hand 🙂

  3. Evamaria says:

    I love the stripes! It’s great to see you using the same shirt in other outfit as well.


  4. Amanda says:

    Så fin är du! avis

  5. Eva says:

    Awesome outfit, still love that suit on you and nice combination with the tee!xx


  6. Hanne says:


  7. Iris says:

    Love this outfit<3!

  8. Jolijn says:

    I love this look, although I would never dare to wear this. Did you take these pictures in London? Because it looks a lot like the hostel I’ve been last week, nearby Earls Court underground station. Aaaaah, I can’t help but love London. I don ‘t get it out of my mind!

  9. Niki says:

    So cool! I love your tee and I think that a braid does look better with the whole outfit 🙂


  10. Jeline says:

    Ebba, you are just so stunning! Love this look. <3


  11. Benedikt Heine says:

    This awesome red hair. Can’t stop watching it. I love it in combination with the black, white and grey background.

  12. louise-jonsson says:

    Så himla snygga bilder . älskar din blogg ! vad använder du för objektiv ?

  13. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Louise-jonsson:
    På dessa bilder använder jag ett 50mm 1.8 men för det mesta brukar jag använda mitt 50mm 1.4 🙂 Tack som tusan!

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