I’ll know my name as it’s called again

Cardigan- 2hand/Stockholms Stadsmission, Shoes- Glassboutique, bag- 5preview, tights- IWearSin.

Försöker att inte tänka på förkylningen som flyttat in i kroppen och spenderar istället kvällen med veganmiddag med vännerna och möte med djurens rätt. Mitt schema är väldigt fullspäckat i veckan, så det var verkligen ingen bra timing att bli sjuk nu. Har ni några bra huskurer jag kan prova?

Today I distract my thoughts from the cold that I’ve cathed with vegan dinner together with my friends and meeting with the swedish animal rights organization. My schedule is very tight this week, so it really was bad timing to get sick right now. Do you have any good home remedies I can try?

14 responses to “I’ll know my name as it’s called again

  1. frida says:

    beautiful! i hope you feel better soon! 😀

  2. laru says:

    title from mumford and sons? 😀

  3. Nutri says:

    tea tree essential oil is very helpful in colds. you can use it for inhalations or just diffuse in the air

  4. Danielle says:

    very nice outfit!

  5. Hanne says:

    have a lot of vitamin c! make yourself a ‘citron chaud’, it’s so good and easy to make. just squeeze a lemon, then add boiling water and some sugar to make it less sour 🙂 oh and, try to go to sleep in time.

  6. Erika says:

    Så himla snygga kläder, alltid!
    Krya på dej 🙂

  7. Judit says:

    The best thing you can make for your voice is to take a glass of warm milk mixed with some honey and a few drops of lemon! It reduces throat irritation! 🙂

  8. sophie says:

    I Totally love your outfit! The knit is perfect and i love the combination with the wine red tights!


  9. Eva says:

    Wonderful photos and outfit! Get well soon…


  10. Evangelina says:

    Lika snygg som alltid! :))

  11. Trâm says:

    I hope you will feel better soon. Love knitwear by the way 🙂

  12. Eline says:

    Listening to mumford and sons is certainly a good start, always makes me feel better! 😉

  13. Ewa says:

    wow! love burgundy tights <3

  14. Ina says:

    Oh, I thought that your hair is more gray, but they are still a little bit red

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