Last week!






HejhallÄ vÀnner! Jag Àr ledsen för den glesa uppdateringen det senaste dygnet, vi reste hela dagen igÄr och idag har jag hÄrdpluggat matte och fixat lite mer med lanseringen (men sÄ visade det sig att lanseringen av mina toppar blev försenad sÄ jag ska försöka skjuta fram det till imorgon vid lunch istÀllet!) sÄ jag har haft fullt upp! IstÀllet för topparna kan jag visa er Ànnu ett gÀng bilder frÄn Turkiet-veckan. KÀnns inte alls sÄ jobbigt som jag trott att komma hem nÀr det Àr sÄdant fantastiskt vÀder hÀr i UmeÄ! Hur Àr vÀdret hos er?


Hey friends! I’m sorry for the sparse update the last days, we traveled all day yesterday and today I’ve studied math and worked some more with the release of my new tops but it turned out that it’s delayed (but I’ll try to postpone it until tomorrow at lunch instead!) so now you know why I’ve been busy! However, instead of my new designs I can show you another bunch of pictures from my Turkey Week. It didn’t feel nearly as bad as I imagined coming home cause the weather is soo amazing here right now. It’s almost like summer! How’s the weather were you guys are, has the summer arrived yet?

12 responses to “Last week!

  1. Lisa says:

    Ja, visst Àr det nÀstan sommar hÀr i UmeÄ? Underbart!

  2. Mayflowers says:

    Looks wonderful! Here in Norway it’s 32 degrees and sunshine! Later today I have invited some friends over for a (vegetarian) BBQ party!

  3. Apollonia says:

    You and your sister are both beautiful! Nice pictures (:

    xoxo Appie |

  4. Apollonia says:

    You and your sister are both beautiful! Nice pictures (:

    xoxo Appie |

  5. myhrans says:

    Underbara bilder, det ser verkligen jÀttehÀrligt!

  6. Niki says:

    Such beautiful photos! I love the black dress that you’re wearing 🙂
    Summer has kind of hit Toronto, but it’s coming off and on. Hopefully it’ll be more consistent soon!

  7. Hanne says:

    HĂ€r i Belgien Ă€r det 8 grader och regn 🙁 Men jag har en massa skolarbete Ă€ndĂ„, dĂ€rför att det snart blir dags för tentorna (och vi har ju haft 20 grader och jĂ€ttesoligt för nĂ„gra veckor ocksĂ„).

  8. mayuko says:

    in tokyo,it’s already 24~28 degrees! summer in japan is really really humid and kinda annoying…

  9. Jess says:

    Summer just said good-bye here in Australia 😉

  10. Romina says:

    You and your sister are incredibly pretty, the place looks spectacular I’m sure you had an amazing time.

  11. eemelieerika says:

    JĂ€ttefina bilder!

  12. idaapoopuu says:

    sÄ mysigt!

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