


Typ såhär har modeveckan sett ut på min instagram. Förutom allt jobb blev det också en väldigt fysiskt utmattande vecka då vi tränat med nike nästan varje dag. I torsdags sprang vi till exempel 8,5 km plus en massa övningar innan vi drog raka vägen till pressfrukost med Weekday och visningar. Haha! Sjukt kul att ta reda på hur mycket man verkligen kan pusha sig själv om man bara vill.

Here’s the fashion week speaking out on my instagram. In addition to all the editorial work it was also a very physically exhausting week since we worked out with nike almost every day. For example, on Thursday morning we ran 8.5 km plus a bunch of exercises before we went straight to a press breakfast with Weekday and then shows. Haha! It’s so much fun to find out how much you can really push yourself if you just want to.

6 responses to “#MBFWB

  1. Liz says:

    love the blazer and sports bra


    1. ebba says:

      Thanks! Nice contrast between casual and fancy huh?

  2. Getup & Go says:

    Sounds exhausting! But completely worth it! xx


    1. ebba says:

      That’s exactly how I think too 😉

  3. Tovvsan says:

    Mycket balla bilder!

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