Häromdagens look. Tisha och kjol- 5preview, skor- sarenza.eu, jacka- romwe.com.

Tänkte bara slänga in ett hej innan jag hoppar på cykeln och rullar iväg på picknick med trevliga människor. Ha en fin dag folk!

Tee and skirt-5preview, shoes-sarenza.eu, jacket-romwe.com.

I just thought I’d say hi before I jump on the bike and roll to a picnic with my friends. Have a nice day guys!

11 responses to “N”122 CAVOUR

  1. sara says:

    I am so jealous, would like a picnic too….uff

    the last pic is amazing.


  2. andrea evelina andersson says:

    Men lägg av, dina skor är så extremt extremt snygga!!!

  3. TraN says:

    Picnic and bicycling, I want to join! Have a great day, Ebba! 🙂

    xx TraN

  4. Coline says:

    Good luck for biking with that skirt! Hahah

    Have fun! 🙂


  5. Jeline says:

    Love the skirt! And have fun!!


  6. Stephanie says:

    In the first few photos it looks like you cut your hair! You would look so good with it cut just above your shoulders! Other then thatm this is a great look for a picnic! 🙂

  7. cajsa says:

    så jäkla fint ebba!

  8. Beatrice says:

    Åh vad du är vacker! Kjolen och tischan passade skitbra tillsammans!

  9. Hayley says:

    love this outfit! its great 🙂

    Hayley xx

  10. http://iwanttobeavoguette.blog says:

    Confortable and nice look!!! i like so much your hair colour!!!


  11. Eva says:

    Beautiful oiutfit. Love this combination of items!


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