Idag går jag omkring med hästar på benen! Jag fullkomligt älskar mina roliga leggings från Lovelysally, kvalitén är himla soft och trycket får fem av fem. Här matchar jag dem med en bullig jacka från weekday för att maxa silhuetten. Kontraster var ordet.

Today I walk around with horses on my legs! I absolutely love my fun leggings Lovelysally, the quality is amazingly soft and the picture gets five out of five points. Here I’ve combined them with a voluminous jacket from weekday for the nice silhouette. Contrasts is the word.

24 responses to “PEGASUS

  1. kine emelie says:

    wow, elsker det!!

  2. Cajsa says:

    Så vacker är du!

  3. majas- life in london says:

    Gud va läckra dom var!

  4. Matilda says:

    wow vilka häftiga leggings!

  5. Rhoda Wong says:

    your leggings creates such a cool illusion! love it (:

  6. adele says:

    ohhhhh! loving those leggings!! <33

  7. Emilu says:

    You should have a look on !
    personally , i really like the dress with the orange plane 😉
    I love your blog ! xxx

  8. IDA says:

    världens coolaste leggings ju!!

  9. Iris says:

    Awesome, so cool:)♥!

  10. kaxbax says:

    Åh vilka underbara leggings!

  11. Tove says:

    Älskar ditt hår!! 😀

  12. laura says:

    Guess this is off topic, but I have to ask: What kind of music do you listen to? ‘Cause I have seen some great band shirts (Gun’s ‘N Roses for example) and I really love your Nirvana cap! Also fell in love with your “Welcome To The Jungle”-look, even though it’s pretty old…. Found it from Lookbook:)

    Pegasus is cool too;)

  13. sara says:

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve this outfit. This leggings are amazing. your hair are perfectly healty and I’m in love with the shoes.

  14. Hayley says:

    gorgeous photos, you really are beautiful!!

    Hayley xx

  15. Sophia says:


  16. Eva says:

    Awesome legging and also loe the jacket!

  17. Rav says:

    Patatatatatatatatatai.! Nic tylko ujeżdżać.

  18. Annabel says:

    Hey, what did you cut ur hair? 🙁

  19. Marci says:

    WHERE do you find stuff like that?? just awesome

  20. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Annabel: Yes, I cut it yesterday but not so much. Most of it is inside the jacket on these pics

  21. Stephanie says:

    I love those leggings. They’re so cool! And I just wanted to let you know that I think you would look amazing with grey/silver hair like how you were talking about in previous posts. It would be an exciting change!

  22. Sveta says:

    Sorry, but i’ve always have one questeion: what are your height and weight? U’re look amazing!

  23. Ogasdacoca says:

    Love de hair

  24. Elin says:

    Fasen, vilka grymma byxor!

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