Den lite annorlunda onlinetidningen “Poba” (som också fokuserar på djuren rätt och har värderingar kring det som till stor del liknar mina. Pluspoäng!) har gjort ett fint repotage om mig här. Och så blev jag tydligen moderedaktör också. Hoppsan!

Translate: The odd but cool online magazine Poba has made a nice repotage about me HERE.

5 responses to “POBA

  1. Liena says:

    The Magazine is really pretty weird but you look nice as always and it’s fine! 🙂
    Have a nice day!

  2. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Liena: Thanks! Just don’t get confused by all the blood and stuff, the mag is standing for animal rights and against animal cruelty 🙂

  3. Ariadna says:

    You can’t be 15!!! I though you were 18 or so!
    You are really amazing, I live your style so much.. and I would love to be as tall as you!!
    Kisses from Barcelona!

  4. nella says:

    åh, så roligt för dig! 😀

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