Älsklingar. Nu var det ganska länge sedan jag visade något annat än de noga utvalda och redigerade bilderna jag brukar posta i outfits och samarbeten. Så: lite på samma tema som förra helgens diskussionsinlägg vill jag påminna om HUR MÅNGA knäppa och helt oanvändbara bilder vi tar vid varje fototillfälle (uppenbarligen har jag stora problem att posera utan att räcka ut tungan gång på gång). Utan vidare förklaring, här kommer en härlig bildserie bilder vi av obvious reasons inte valde att publicera:

Sweethearts. It was quite a while since I showed anything else than the carefully selected and edited photos I usually post in outfits and collaborations. So, on the same theme as last weekend’s discussion post, I would like to remind you of HOW MANY weird and completely useless images we take at each shoot (obviously I have big problems posing without flashing my tongue). Without further explanation, here’s a lovely series of pictures we OBVIOUSLY did not choose to publish:

😛 PUSS!! 😛

Hugs!! 😛

4 responses to “REALITY CHECK :P

  1. Lucie says:

    This serie of pictures is absolutely amazing! It’s really lovely to see those as well, and be reminded that what we get to see is usually a very carefully picked selection of pictures… It’s very honest of you to do that

  2. Sara says:

    Hahaha så himla härligt inlägg!

  3. L Dreyar says:

    It’s always good to show the less than glamorous pictures here and there.

    As they say, “appearances can be deceiving”. I’m looking forward to the next set of “weird and useless” pics.

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