


Umeå har gått in i en istid. Snön knarrar under kängorna, fingrarna domnar bort och luften skär liksom i halsen av kyla. Och det är så tyst ute, jag älskar hur tyst det är ute nu.
Ska spendera denna söndag med bok-läsning, promenader och att umgås med farfar.
Visar er resten av denna look senare i veckan. Ha en soft söndag x

Umeå is in the middle of an ice age. The snow crunches under my boots, my fingers gets numb after just 5 minutes outside and the air is almost too cold to breathe. And it’s so quiet outside, I love how quiet it is outside right now.
I’m spending this Sunday with books, forest walks and quality time with grandpa.
I’ll show you the rest of this look later this week. Have a soft Sunday x

9 responses to “I CAN’T EXPLAIN IT

  1. ISA says:

    så vintervacker! håller med om tystnaden. Och ljusare! men kaaaallt 🙁

  2. Theresa says:

    Thank you, Ebba. You too.

    Such gorgeous photography, and I love the red coat, but it doesn’t look warm enough for the weather. It probably is on the inside.
    And, you’re perfection.

    1. ebba says:

      It’s actually warmer than it looks <3

  3. Rafaela m says:

    The coldest weather I’ve ever experimented was -7 C, and I was frozen, like, I really couldn’t move. But the good part is that the snow is really beautiful and enchanting <3
    p.s. You look like little red riding hood

    1. ebba says:

      Haha, I guess u get used to it! Thanks! <3

  4. Hanne says:

    Kan du inte skicka lite snö och minusgrader hit till Belgien? Har inte sett en enda snöflinga på hela vintern 🙁

    1. ebba says:

      Ja lätt! Vi byter! 😀

  5. irina says:

    Hello, Ebba! Can you please help me to find your photo that is on your avatar (main photo) on Videofy (here: http://play.videofy.me/ebbasfoton).

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