in the sky and in the sand




Suit- Forever21, bra and shoes- Nike

Min look på fw day 1! Känns fett kul att kunna gå runt bland alla fancy modemänniskor på modeveckan och fångas på bilder av både (!) och grazia Magazine, iförd en kostym från forever21 av alla ställen, haha.
Ha en toppenmåndag gullisar!

My look at FW day 1! Feels so fun to be able to walk around among all the fancy fashion people at fashion week, getting captured by streetstyle photographers for both (!) And Grazia magazine, wearing a suit from Forever21 of all places, haha.
Have an awesome monday buddies!

6 responses to “in the sky and in the sand

  1. rae says:

    Really amazing look, you look stunning, girl!

    1. ebba says:

      Thank you! 😀

  2. Anette says:

    Vad fin du är! Du skulle verkligen passa i den där kortare hårlängden som det ser ut som du har på bilden.

  3. Yuyu says:

    You’re just awesome ! Everything you wear is just perfect for you !

    Kiss my dear ! Yuyu

  4. Brautkleider says:

    Black is very beautiful color,and i hope that i can have this one clothes

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