
So long novemberkylan! Nu hoppar jag och Fanny på bussen till Tropical Islands, ett tropiskt komplex i en jättekupol i utkanten av Berlin. Återkommer med ett litet omdöme sen!
Hur som helst! Minns ni Paulina som jag fotade med för ett tag sedan? Hon intevjuade mig för Superlative Magazine också. Här kommer bilderna och intevjun. Enjoy!

So long chilly November weather! Now Fanny and I get on the bus to Tropical Islands, a tropical complex in a giant cupol in the outskirts of Berlin. I’ll be back with a small review later!
Anyway! Do you remember Paulina I shot with a while ago? She interviewed me for Superlative Magazine after the shoot. Here are the pictures and answers. Enjoy!


Please introduce yourself: who are you, how old are you and whats your blog all about?
My name is Ebba Zingmark, I’m a 20 year old blogger/social media influencer from the north of Sweden. Since a year back I’m based in Berlin. My blog is a typical fashion-lifestyle blog, it’s about everything from food, personal thoughts and traveling but with a focus on fashion.


Since when are you blogging and how has your blog developed since its start?
I’ve been blogging since I was 14, so it has been 6 years now. Time flies! My blog has definitely developed since the start, at first it was mainly about photography but then it developed to a fashion-lifestyle blog by time.

What is your goal with the blog?
Just being able to have a platform for my creativity, get response and connect with other creative people.

How do you monetize it?
How I run my blog? Well, there’s a lot of time spent in front of the computer screen and the camera. My sister is my right hand: she’s helping me to handle everything from economy to photography.


How do you handle postings for brands with the goal to advertise its products?
The good thing about the commercialization of the blogging business is that it’s easy to live from your blog without having to represent brands you don’t like. We bloggers gets so many offers these days that it gives us the luxury of getting to be really picky.

Bloggers get more and more buyable. Whats your opinion on this?
There’s ads everywhere- in magazines, sports, TV and so on. But in blogs it’s hand picked by a person, which makes it more authentic. I do think we have to get better at marking which posts are sponsored and not, our readers deserve to know that (even if it’s products the blogger would use and recommend without getting paid for it).


Who are your idols?
Oh I don’t know. Lena Dunham and Stella McCartney are two amazing role models!

What are your future plans?
To be honest I have no idea- that’s both scary and exciting.


4 responses to “SUPERLATIVE

  1. Rachel Liwanag says:

    You’re such an inspiration Ebba!

  2. Linda says:

    What kind of font do you use on your blog?

  3. Merel says:

    You look so amazing in yellow! Love to read a more personal interview with you!

  4. ISA says:

    Intervjuer är så spännande, känns som man “lär sig” så mycket om personen då 😉 Ska förresten till Berlin snart, ska kika igenom dina tips & guider för inspo! haha kram

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