God morgon gänget! Först och främst: ledsen för den glesa uppdateringen de senaste dagarna! Jag har haft så fullt upp hela tiden bara. Igår tog jag en lång skogspromenad med hundarna för att varva ned. Vi promenerade upp på ett berg, tittade på utsikten och plockade blåbär. Det här har verkligen varit en vecka full av kontraster, haha! Idag ska jag jobba och försöka ta igen all sömn jag missat de här dagarna. Ha en fin söndag!


Good morning guys! First of all, sorry for the sparse updating the last few days! I’ve just been so busy all the time. Yesterday I took a long walk in the woods with the dogs to unwind. We walked up a hill, looked at the view and picked blueberries. This has really been a week full of contrasts, haha! Today I’m working and trying to make up for all the sleep I didn’t get earlier. I hope you’ll have a nice Sunday guys!


  1. myhrans says:

    Superhärliga bilder!

  2. Mayflower says:

    I want a dog now. Wonderful pictures!

  3. Karoline says:

    Så herlige bilder! Det er veldig godt med en avkobling (som f.eks. en tur i skogen eller på fjellet) en gang i blant

  4. Jeline says:

    Wow the photos and environment looks so beautiful! Wish my country would be just as beautiful. ♥

  5. annamodeblogg says:

    fina bilder 🙂

  6. liselike says:

    ha en fin dag 🙂

  7. JOSEFIN says:

    Så så så fina bilder! Vad använder du för objektiv? kram

  8. Rafaela Michels says:

    Beautiful pictures Ebba ♥

  9. chi says:

    i envy your lifestyle – the forests where i live are nowhere near as beautiful. but how can you tell which berries are poisonous and which ones aren’t?? i would be much too scared to eat things growing off bushes, though maybe that’s just my paranoia/inexperience speaking, haha!

  10. Angelica says:


  11. Alicia says:

    Ebba I really have to thank you:) You are a great inspiration for me. I don´t mean just in case of clothes but also in life. I decided this year to go to London for a two-week language course. It was the first time that I travelled alone abroad. Normally I´m a real couch potato and I don´t dare to risk something but you show me on your blog that life has so many nice facets which you don´t want to miss. I see you travelling and how you grow as a person and I decided to make the same. Thank you that you gave me the courage to do it even if you didn´t know that 😀 Ok now you know it. Hope your life continue as exciting as it is now and I wish you just the best.

  12. naatali says:

    men så underbart! skogen ♥

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