there’s so much to see, I’ll show you all




Sneakpeek på morgondagens look, med en lite annorlunda accessoar, hehe. Idag är det full rulle med förberedelser inför London-resan imorgon, skola och middag hos Gurra som blivit med fritös. Hur mår ni idag?


Sneakpeek of tomorrow’s look, with a slightly different accessory, hehe. Today I’m busy with preparations for the London trip tomorrow, school and dinner at Gurra’s since he just got a fryer (haha). How are you today?

7 responses to “there’s so much to see, I’ll show you all

  1. sara says:

    That mini vest is so adorable…waiting for the total look


  2. frida christina says:

    Så fina bilder!

  3. myhrans says:

    aw så söt du är!

  4. Mayflower says:

    I really love your hair color, you’r actually partially the reason why I’m considering dying it red/ginger. I really want a color similar to yours, but I can’t seem to find anything. I know you’ve said you get it done profesionally now, but if I’m not wrong you did it at home a year/two ago? Could you please tell me what brand and colour you used?

  5. ringeks says:

    super fin tröja Ebba!! 😀

  6. hedvigw says:

    alltid SÅ snyggt! haha älskar ju accessoaren!!

  7. ollyvia laura says:

    love reading your blog, It’s very refreshing and genuine and I really appreciate that 🙂
    anyway, would you like to follow each other?


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