This one is different

Sweater-Indressme, boots-Sarenza, glasses– ZeroUVskirt– choies, hat– Glassboutique, leggings IWearSin., bagLatemanta

Jag får ofta önskemål om att visa lite mer vardagliga kläder, och visst kan jag det! Så här såg jag ut i för några dagar sedan när jag skulle iväg och uträtta några ärenden. Gillar ni det? Nu- skola. Taggad? Nja.

I often get requests to show a little more everyday clothes, sure I can! Here’s how I looked a few days ago when I was going to town. What do you think of this look? 

17 responses to “This one is different

  1. Hayley says:

    Ah i love this looks! It looks so snuggly, comfy and warm! Definitely winter proof 😛 Love your wooly jumper the colour and style is awesome! Gorgeous colour mustard.

    Hayley xx

  2. alex says:

    Love it, the colors are beautiful! ♥

  3. emilia says:

    alltid kul att se dina outfits, du har en så blandad stil och passar i allt

  4. Eva says:

    Love the sweater on you and really cool with the coat! xx

  5. ebbazingmark says:

    emilia: Tack så mycket! Vad glad jag blir 🙂

  6. katy vess says:

    amazing coat and those glasses suit you pretty well 🙂

  7. frankkk says:

    Hi Ebba, I have followed your blog for almost 2 years now, you are a wonderful and inspiring person.

    I would really appreciate if you had the time to take a look at my blog, i just started, it would mean a lot.

  8. frankkk says:

    Hi Ebba, I have followed your blog for almost 2 years now, you are a wonderful and inspiring person.

    I would really appreciate if you had the time to take a look at my blog, i just started, it would mean a lot.

  9. Michello says:

    Så snyggt!! Älskar tröjan 😀

  10. sara says:

    The mix of the colours in the sweater is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
    And everytime u show us new shoes I am always puzzled, but then when I see them in the outfits they are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. sara says:

    p.s. are u getting redhead again naturally or you die your hair?

  12. Elly says:

    stunning! easy and stylish! the colors are just so beautiful and bright!

  13. Blopparna - Emmy says:

    Åh vilken läcker outfit! Koftan är ju bara helt underbart häftig, så härliga färger den har!

  14. Gaby Fuentes says:

    Lovely colors!

  15. wirag says:

    Just as perfect as always.
    I see you can use those pretty boots!

  16. Michelle Lee says:

    great cozy chic look!

  17. Len Jee says:

    you are very pretty 🙂

    I love your hair and your style too ♥

    in this post you remind me of Taylor Swift *-*

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