To avoid freezing.

Ja, så här kan man se ut på väg till julmarknaden. Inget speciellt alls egentligen, men någon av er frågade hur jag klär mig för att slippa frysa i vinterkylan och här har ni det. Min enorma kashmirkappa från 5preview, mysiga (veganska) dojjor från Le Bunny Bleu med luddigt foder, mössa, vantar och strumpor som mormor stickat och en halsduk som är second hand. Exakt hur jag klär mig är ju såklart varierande, men ungefär såhär brukar det bli. Har ni några tips för att slippa vinterkylan?

 Yeah, so here how I looked on my way to the Christmas market. Nothing special really, but some of you asked how I dress to avoid freezing in the winter cold and here you have it. My huge cashmere coat from 5preview, cozy (vegan) shoes from Le Bunny Bleu, hat, gloves and socks that grandma has knitted and a scarf that’s second hand. Exactly how I dress is of course different from day to day, but often looks something like this. Do you have any tips to avoid freezing?

17 responses to “To avoid freezing.

  1. Pouline says:

    så fin du är!! x

  2. paulina says:

    det “inte speciella” är ändå speciellt. gillar sådana här outfits. både bekvämt och varmt, och enkelt för oss “vanligt” folk att inspireras av :)))

  3. Zuzankita says:

    verz nice 🙂 Like that you are smiling 🙂


  4. Grace says:

    you seems to be a doll (Barbie) so pretty ^^
    Congrats your blog it’s very cool and i come here every day hahahaha
    Cause your looks are so originals and simple.
    Love your blog!
    xx from Brazil

  5. Mireia M. says:

    it looks warm, but anyway i will be frozen with all that snow! hahaha
    although i wish it snowed here in barcelona… 🙁

  6. katy vess says:

    love your scarf, wow!

  7. Trâm says:

    The scarf and shoes are lovely!

  8. JJ says:

    You’re always stylish and stunning!

  9. orin says:

    I love that you dress simply and add a scarf or something to add color. it make you special!

    Please go in my blog and leave a comment it is so important to me your’e my role model 🙂

  10. Fleur says:

    I love the snow, it’s so magic. What a great autumn/winter outfit you wearing, warm and just fashionable.

    Come and have a look at my blog if you want.

  11. Sofia Björk says:

    Du borde le med tänderna oftare på bilder!!! Så himla fin! 😀

  12. Elly says:

    I love it! And I love that you’re smiling. You look beautiful.<3

  13. Sara says:

    It’s nice you have vegan shoes but I still don’t get why are ou wearing dr.martens boots..

  14. Hanne says:

    I really like your gloves! 🙂

  15. Hanne says:

    Besides, I was just wondering: how many layers of clothes do you wear onder that coat?

  16. Jeline says:

    That looks so comfy!! <3

  17. Tra Mi says:

    Sooo pretty.

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