Upon pillars of sand.

Klänning-Inlovewithfashion, tröja-Sheinside, skor-LeBunnyBleu, ryggsäck-2hand.

Hittade ett jättehäftigt ställe häromdagen. Ett stort sandtag där man kan promenera i dammiga dalar mellan höga väggar av packad sand. Tänk att jag inte visste att jag hade ett miniatyr-Grand Canyon runt hörnet. I övrigt? Det är måndag och vardagslunk. Hörs sen kompisar!

Translate: Dress-Inlovewithfashion, sweater-Sheinside, shoes-LeBunnyBleu, backpack-2hand.

Found a really cool place the other day. A large sand quarry where you can walk the dusty valleys between high walls of compacted sand. After all this time I didn’t know I had a miniature Grand Canyon just around the corner. Nice. Talk to you later friends!

26 responses to “Upon pillars of sand.

  1. frida xiang says:

    love it!!

  2. May Casson says:

    You look so beautiful! I love this outfit! Amazing!


  3. Mira says:

    SÅ vakker du er!!

  4. Michele says:

    These photos are amazing, I really like them. Oh and your outfit! The dress looks great on you : )

  5. Rav says:

    Hu hu hu , mniamuśnie. Zdjęcia wyjebane kurwa w kosmos. Śliczne buciki, no ale oczka przebijają wszystko. Wszechświat zawarty w kocim, zmysłowym spojrzeniu.

  6. Sofia Reis says:

    A really nice place to take some pictures! You look great and I love the colors that pop out from your dress and hair 🙂

  7. Dany says:

    Amazing! 🙂

  8. Eva says:

    That cobalt blue looks gorgeous on you! Great outfit!


  9. Gaby Fuentes says:

    So beautiful outfi! love it! love the colors!

  10. val says:

    all those colors and you hair make a perfect match!


  11. Linda says:

    Åh gud vad fint!!

  12. cajsa says:

    så snygg är du ebba!!

  13. tiphaine says:

    Aw love this outfit ! the dress is beautiful and so is the background ! oh and by the way, i really love that coldplay song too <3

  14. Jana says:

    LOVE this outfit and you look stunning! <3

  15. Caroline says:

    you are so beautiful
    you are an inspiration to me

  16. Emma says:

    you look amazing!! blue dress are wonderful!! 🙂

    xoxo Emma

  17. Lan says:

    this is soooo cute!

  18. Johanna says:

    Underbar stil, älskar den! Vart finns dessa affärer där du köper dina kläder?

  19. Fashionata says:

    That place is idd amazing! The color goes great with your hair… love it!

  20. Emma says:

    Vilken härlig fin färg på klänningen!

  21. paulina- crazylikeazebra. says:

    detta är heeelt otroligt!

  22. Linda says:

    Such a cool place to shoot outfit photos! I love the way you combined leopard prints with the deep royal blue! Chic, classy and stunning Ebba! ♥
    You are one of my fashion inspirations and it would mean so much to me when you have the chance to stop by and comment on my blog! I would love to hear what you think! 🙂

    The Style Moodboard

  23. L says:

    Tänkte Uppsala

  24. Samantha says:

    Hi Ebba… lovely pictures!! I really like your blue dress and that little bag! 😛 So cute! May I ask what lens you used for these pictures.. thanks! 🙂

  25. Bianca Tvrtkovic says:

    I love the pictures, especially the last one! Wish I had a backpack like that! 🙂

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