Det finns få saker jag tycker är så roliga som att prova peruker alltså! Jag klickade hem dessa två från choies häromveckan och tack vare det blev jag både sugen på att bli blondin med lugg och att klippa håret kort och färga det mörkt. Vilken av dessa två frisyrer gillar ni bäst?

There are few things I find as fun as trying wigs! I ordered these two from choies the other week and thanks to that I’m now thinking about both becoming blonde with bangs and cutting my hair off and dye it dark. Which of these two hairstyles do you like best?

23 responses to “WIGS

  1. Martyna says:

    This black wig 😉 rock style really suits u 😉

  2. karin says:

    Jag har nästan exakt den frisyren som svarta peruken är klippt i fast lite lite kortare hår förutom luggen! Mitt hår är dock i en ljus pastellrosa ton och inte svart, men älskar den frisyren! Du passar sjukt bra i både blont och svart, du passar verkligen i allt!!

  3. Tove says:

    Sååååå snyggt!! Båda var skitsnygga men den svarta bär du upp på ett magiskt sett!

  4. Bego says:

    I love the dark one, it fits so well on you, but i dont like the blonde one, so barbish

  5. Amanda says:

    wow du skulle verkligen passa som blond

  6. Itzel López says:

    I think the black one is too harsh for you. I’d rather the blonde one but I really love your red hair! Suits you perfectly! grettings from México 🙂

  7. gemma o says:

    I am not an instant fan of either to be honest. Most likely this is because I just love your red hair so much.

    x g.

  8. Carmen says:

    The blonde one! that woulod look amazing with your red colour, I think the black is alright….long hair is better in my opinion!

  9. Anna.eM says:

    the longer you observe your blog, the more am confirmed in the belief that there is nothing wrong in that wyglądałabyś always look so damned good that some envy you: P

    warm greetings from cold Poland 🙂

  10. Elshindy says:

    please don’t cut your hair lol . It does suits you (because you’re pretty even if you’re bald) but … I love your long hair very very much… blonde one would be cool too… or … red hair with bangs?

  11. Sophia says:

    I think the short black hair really suits you! 🙂

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hmm maybe if i would be you I would decide first for bangs and leave your hair red or a short haircut in blond:)

  13. lola says:

    gosh ebba, you would not cut your hair short or go to blond, you just want kommnets from others like nooo ebba dont do it. so cheap.

  14. Karine says:

    Hey Ebba, I think the blonde wig suits you really really well! <3 however I also love your current hair! Whatever choice you choose, I wish you a lot of fun.

  15. Ilvie says:

    I think you look very much like Michelle Williams with the blonde hair…and i think you look much better than her – so no blond 😉
    however the dark hair suits you really well!

  16. Marlena says:

    Ohh the blonde looks really good as well as the brown you had 🙂
    But I dislike the dark and short wig its to harsh and to masculine for you.

  17. Mishka says:

    Wooow, definitely the black one! It suits you sooo well 😀

  18. cherie says:

    To be honest, on the first picture you look exactly like Taylor Swift, and that is not bad, but I think red hair suits you so well, that if you want a change you should cut your hair, maybe shoulder-lenght with bangs (hair can always grow in some time, or you can use extensions again:)) but that short dark hair on the second picture don´t look nice at all and also you are too tall for such hair..trust me I am just as tall as you and I have tried a lot of hairstyles and for us tall people the best haircut is shoulder-lenght and longer hair…definitely not shorter, you would look ridicoulous.. anyways it´s your decision, hope you´ll be satisfied with result 🙂

  19. Annica says:

    Den svarta är vrålsnygg!!:O

  20. Angelica Lainis says:

    The blonde is better. You look like Taylor Swift but I think you should keep your red hair. It makes you look unique x

  21. Tysya says:

    Ebba, I think that short hair suits you really well! It is perfect^_^

  22. Anonymous says:


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