Hittade asfeta veganska timberland-kopior på Primark häromdagen. Känner mig lite som en hycklare när jag går runt i fake-märkesskor men jag tänker att Timberland-tillverkarna får skylla sig själva när de inte har någon vegansk variant av sina kängor. Har ju velat ha såna i evigheter. HUR SOM HELST, om du precis som jag går och funderar på höstskor tycker jag att du ska kolla in min senaste artikel som handlar om just det. Jag har valt ut 10 riktiga godbitar, om jag får säga det själv. KLICK!


I found these vegan fake timberlands at Primark the other day. I’m feeling a little like a hypocrite when I walk around in fake brand shoes but I think that the Timberland manufacturers have themselves to blame when they don’t have a vegan version of their boots. I’ve wanted that for ages. Anyway, if you just like me are thinking about fall shoes these days, I think you should check out my latest article where I have selected 10 real autumn beauties, if I may say so myself. CLICK!

14 responses to “SKOSNACK

  1. majaelenablog says:

    Dem är hur balla som helst! Och som du sa, så får dem skylla sig själv om dem inte har djurvänliga skor 🙂

  2. Isbaell says:

    you have to consider that primark supports child labour under very bad working conditions. in my opinion it’s not better, though no animals have died for the clothes.

  3. Bárbara Cea says:

    what a lovely outfit, Ebba! – fashion & lifestyle blog

  4. myhrans says:


  5. aherfjord says:

    Så fin!

  6. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Isbaell:
    Hi there! Thanks for the info. I agree with that, and I think you pretty much have to realize that cheap products in general includes bad working conditions. H&M is just another example of that. So yeah, I’m aware and I don’t want to support that, bun in this particular case I thought that this alternative was better than the leather ones. xx

  7. Andrew says:

    You are beautiful 😮 xx those boots are cool, regardless hun.

  8. mariasv says:

    Men åh va fina bilder!!

  9. minimalme says:

    åh, är du vegan? 🙂

  10. kmstyle says:


  11. Elina says:

    Hi Ebba, I also had to wince at the shoes from Primark. Vegan yes, but products made by child labour or very badly-paid-sweat-shops is a No-No! I cannot agree those booties being any better an option. I am sure there must be other options :/ What do you think of leather products from fleamarket by the way? Would it be better to recycle old animal skins rather than throwing them away? Then again, maybe it would inspire people to buy similar NEW leather products, which in return would be contraproductive. Difficult issues..

    Anyways keep it up in Berlin!

  12. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Elina:
    Hi there!
    Agreed! And yes, I think 2hand leather is the best alternative if you must wear leather 🙂

  13. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till minimalme:

  14. minimalme says:

    Svar till ebbazingmark:
    Härligt att höra ♥

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